The Department is equipped with the latest Doppler / Ultrasound machines.
All types of conventional, abdominal, small parts sonography are performed with the reports being authenticated by a qualified team of sonologists / Radiologist.
US guided biopsies/aspirations are routinely done with a high level of target accuracy and post-procedure care.
- Renal Doppler
- Ultrasound Carotid Doppler
- Ultrasound Scrotum
- Ultrasound Scrotal Doppler
- Transvaginal Ultrasound (TVS)
- Ultrasound Doppler Both Lower Limb (Arterial)
- Ultrasound Doppler Both Lower Limb (Superficial Venous/ Varicose Vein)
- Ultrasound Doppler Both Lower Limb (Deep Vein)
- Ultrasound Guided Pleural Diagnostic Tap
- Ultrasound Hip (DDH)
- Ultrasound Extremity Arterial Doppler / Extremity
- Ultrasound Extremity Venous Doppler / Extremity
- Ultrasound Fetal Doppler
- Ultrasound Fine Needle Biopsy Marking
- Ultrasound Guided FNAC / Aspiration
- Ultrasound IVf Follicular Monitoring
- Ultrasound Kub / Renal Track
- Ultrasound Feet
- Ultrasound Obstetrical
- Ultrasound Pelvic
- Ultrasound Prostate
- Ultrasound Renal Track (Pre & Post)
- Ultrasound Sonohysterography
- Ultrasound Twin Pregnancy
- Ultrasound Antenatal
- Ultrasound Brain
- Ultrasound For Pregnancy
- Ultrasound Kub And Prostate (Two Regions)
- Ultrasound Neck / Thyroid
- Ultrasound Chest Ultrasound / Pleural Iffusion
- Ultrasound Abdomen And Pelvic
- Ultrasound3-D Colour Doppler
- Ultrasound Doppler Study Any Part Of Body
- Ultrasound Musculoskeletal
- Ultrasound Fetal Well Being
- Ultrasound Hand
- Ultrasound Biophysical Profile
- Ultrasound Chest
- Ultrasound Doppler (Both Legs)
- Ultrasound Abdomen (Only)
- Ultrasound Doppler (Umblical Artery)
- Ultrasound Doppler (Single Leg)
- Ultrasound Anamolay Scan
- Ultrasound Breast / Sonomammography
- Ultrasound Abdomen Doppler (Pv, Ivc, Hepatic Vein Etc)
- Ultrasound Guided Biopsy